Friday, February 20, 2009

Adding Derby DB support to Apache Tomcat

I'm creating a web application that is really just made up of JSPs, servlets, html, Javascript, and a Derby database. I'd like to use Apache Tomcat, because it integrates with Netbeans, and is lighter weight than a full-blown EE server. But Tomcat doesn't ship with Derby.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Windows Mounted Drives in an SSH Session

SSH is a great tool because it gives you remote shells on your hosts, allows you to copy files between hosts, creates tunnels for you via port forwarding, forwards your X connection, and the list goes on... Usually, SSH is taken advantage of on Linux and/or other Unix systems. But it can be run on Windows systems too, using the SSH server that comes with Cygwin.

The problem I had was that when I logged in to my Windows machine with SSH, my mounted drives were all missing!